Crypto/Blockchain Crypto mining pollution lawsuit targets Pennsylvania company Legal battle erupts over environmental impact of crypto mining Zartasha MushtaqMarch 28, 2024
Rare Earths Penn State researchers develop rare earth extraction method inspired by mussels Their primary focus was extracting neodymium -- an element used for batteries, magnets, wind turbines and other tech Rowan DunneAugust 9, 2023
Cannabis Ovation Science to distribute topical cannabis products in Pennsylvania The company acquired a patent for its Invisicare skin delivery system last September Rowan DunneMay 24, 2023
Business TILT partners with cannabis lifestyle brand owned by past NFL running back International conglomerate kicks off football season with new Highsman cultivar playbook Rowan DunneJune 3, 2022
Policy Pennsylvania starts process to consider legalizing adult-use cannabis A first hearing, focused primarily on issues related to enforcement, was held Monday Nick LabaFebruary 7, 2022
Industry update NORML calls on US pot activists this 4/20 to ‘finish the fight’ Long-time advocacy group wants US stoners to urge federal and state lawmakers to legalize on weed culture's big day Jared GnamApril 19, 2021
Industry update Top US pot brand Cresco Labs beats Q4 expectations In 2020, America's leading cannabis wholesaler grew revenue 271% to US$476.3M Jared GnamMarch 25, 2021
Industry update TerrAscend reports record Q4 sales, drops CEO Despite cannabis sales reaching $198.3M in 2020, CEO Jason Ackerman is stepping down Jared GnamMarch 23, 2021
Analysis New Jersey: The East Coast cannabis tipping point Legalizing in the Garden State increases revenue and access for its citizens, and seeds jealousy in states struggling next door Amna ShamimNovember 13, 2020
Analysis Pot stock leaders to consider ahead of US election: BCMI Analyst Chris Damas gives investors his industry leaders in Canada and the U.S., which could win big if Democrats take power Jared GnamOctober 28, 2020