Business Annual sales fall 6% to $43.1M for Aleafia The stalwart pot firm is projecting a return to EBITDA-positivity later this year, as it pivots to adult-use sales Nick LabaFebruary 15, 2022
Industry update Unifor and Aleafia Health team up in push for medical cannabis coverage With 315,000 workers, Canada's largest private union is set to recommend insurance coverage in collective bargaining agreements Jared GnamDecember 18, 2020
Canada How a wave of irradiation could hurt Canadian micro-producers Incoming lower microbial limits could force small growers to irradiate their product, hiking costs and hurting quality in the process Jared GnamNovember 13, 2020
Analysis Pot stock leaders to consider ahead of US election: BCMI Analyst Chris Damas gives investors his industry leaders in Canada and the U.S., which could win big if Democrats take power Jared GnamOctober 28, 2020
Analysis Croptober 2020: Why a tsunami of Canadian outdoor will go up in smoke Supply gluts, collapsing wholesale prices and Canadian regulations put an incoming 360,000 kgs of outdoor weed at risk of going unsold Jared GnamOctober 20, 2020
The weed wire Aleafia Health clinics to offer ketamine-based antidepressant Spravato can be prescribed for treatment-resistant depressive disorder Michelle GamageJuly 24, 2020
The weed wire Aphria, Aleafia Health settle dispute over cancelled supply deal Aphria and Emblem entered supply deal in 2018 for 175,000 kilograms of cannabis. The following year Aleafia Health acquired Emblem and the deal was... Michelle GamageJune 25, 2020
The weed wire Aleafia Health closes $15M bought deal offering Outdoor producer updates ALEF trading symbol to AH Michelle GamageMay 29, 2020
The weed wire Aleafia Health boasts industry-leading gross margin in Q1 report While positive cash flow remains rare in the cannabis industry, Aleafia reported it in two straight quarters Jared GnamMay 14, 2020
Analysis Outdoor cannabis licences almost double With production costs as low as $0.10 a gram in Canada, some analysts predict outdoor cultivation will disrupt legal weed Jared GnamMay 7, 2020