AI and Autonomy Deepspatial pulls in government investment to help fight global food crisis The project aims to enhance public distribution, market enforcement, and consumer protection through advanced data analytics Joseph MortonMarch 20, 2024
Technology PepsiCo hones in on environmental sustainability with Positive Agriculture Outcomes Fund Launched in August, 2021, the fund offers teams working with PepsiCo co-investment to jump-start Positive Agriculture projects. Joseph MortonOctober 20, 2022
Data Cannabis 5th most valuable crop in US, Leafly report shows But weed farmers face barriers to many of the subsidies and services afforded to other agricultural businesses Kathryn TindaleNovember 3, 2021
Hemp USDA to launch first annual hemp survey The Hemp Acreage and Production survey will collect information to set industry benchmarks and help producers make informed decisions Kathryn TindaleAugust 30, 2021